POPCAP '14 - piclet.org PRIZE
piclet.org is is calling for entries to POPCAP – the prize for contemporary African photography. POPCAP is awarded to photographic portfolios that are either produced in an African country or deal with a diaspora of an African country. The award is open to photographers of any age or descent. There is no entry fee. Call closes July 1 2014.
The five winning entries will be exhibited internationally at a series of publicly accessible exhibitions.
Photo Ireland Fesival, Dublin, Ireland >>
ImageAfrique, Basel, Switzerland >>
South African Month of Photography, Cape Town, South Africa >>
Lagos Photo Festival, Lagos, Nigeria >>
Eyes On, Vienna, Austria >>
Festival Internacional de Fotografia Cabo Verde, Mindelo, Cape Verde >>
Addis FotoFest, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia >>
POPCAP will cover travel and accommodation expenses so that the winners can attend at least one of the shows personally. Besides the shows, the winners' portfolios will be published in the POPCAP ‘14 catalog, in European Photography Magazine and their portfolios will be included in the piclet.org directory for hand-picked photographers’ portfolios.
Submissions to POPCAP are judged by a panel of 26 internationally-sourced judges including
Jenny Altschuler, director, Month of Photography, Cape Town, South Africa
Akinbode Akinbiyi, artist, Berlin, Germany
Joselina Cruz, curator, Museum of Contemporary Art+Design, Manila, Philippines
John Fleetwood, head of Market Photo Workshop, Johannesburg, South Africa
Benjamin Füglister, artist and founder of POPCAP, Berlin, Germany
Yumi Goto, curator, Tokyo, Japan
Ángel Luis González Fernández, director, PhotoIreland, Dublin, Ireland
Elda Harrington, director, Encuentros Abiertos, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Peter Herrmann, gallery owner, Lomé, Togo
Bohnchang Koo, artist, Seoul, Korea
David Knaus, curator, Museum of Photography, Marakkesh, Morocco
Michket Krifa, curator, Paris, France
Missla Libsekal, publisher, Another Africa, Tokyo, Japan
Lesley A. Martin, publisher, Aperture Foundation, New York, USA
Karen McQuaid, curator, photographers gallery, London, UK
Jeanne Mercier, founder of Afrique en Visu, Paris, France
Aida Muluneh, artist and director, Addis Foto Fest, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
Andreas Müller-Pohle, artist and publisher of European Photography, Berlin, Germany
Moritz Neumüller, curator, Barcelona, Spain
Azu Nwagbogu, director of LagosPhoto Festival, Lagos, Nigeria
Jennifer Shaw, director of Photo NOLA, New Orleans, USA
Jürg Schneider, historian, Basel, Switzerland
Laura Sérani, curator, Paris, France
Bart Luirink, publisher of ZAM Magazine, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Daniel Sosa, director of Centro de la Fotografia de Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay
Anne Wilkes Tucker, curator, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA
POPCAP aims to raise the profile of African photography in the arts and provide more publicity for artists engaging with the African continent. The internationally-sourced panel of judges enables the promotion of African photography worldwide and helps to avoid geographically and culturally one-sided views of the portfolios. POPCAP also aims to cooperate with international exhibition partners in order to foster exchanges between the various initiatives.
At piclet.org we are interested in the idea of balancing social media networking with "real world" networking through events such as POPCAP. piclet.org was launched in 2009 by Berlin-based media artist Benjamin Füglister as an international online portal for the presentation of contemporary photographers’ portfolios and as an international directory of important festivals, creative publications and institutions for photography.
POPCAP was first awarded in 2012, with five winners chosen from 140 submissions by a panel of nine internationally-sourced judges. In 2013 POPCAP received 360 submissions from 57 countries that were judged by 14 judges. 2014 sees piclet.org offering the prize for contemporary African photography for the third time.
For any media inquiries please contact Angela Nyffeler at media@popcap.cc. If you want to keep track of any changes regarding POPCAP and piclet.org please join our facebook fan site.
POPCAP is a grassroots organisation. We collaborate with a variety of partners in order to execute the POPCAP prize, exhibitions, workshops, talks and publications. We are happy to have received such good feedback regarding the 2012 and 2013 editions, which has enabled us to continue to foster relationships with both old and new partners. If you are interested in joining our team of partners please contact us at partners@popcap.cc.
At piclet.org we are always eager to discover new photography. Feel free to submit a link to your institution, festival or magazine to submission [at] piclet.org or use our submission form to send us your portfolio for consideration.
piclet.org is an initiative from NEW HORIZON PRODUCTIONS - Agency for Culture.
piclet.org / Reichenberger Strasse 101 / 10999 Berlin, Germany