Galerie Peter Herrmann
Ancient Art from Africa
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Büste Ife-Kultur

Photo: Peter Herrmann

Thermoluminescence - Expertise

Zur Expertise


Ife-Culture, Nigeria
+- 560 years
41 cm

Edited in the net since November 2024

This completely cleaned bust is one of the most beautiful works in clay in the style of the Ife in Nigeria. The face is depicted very naturalistically in a state of inner calm. An unusually striking choker visually separates the head from the upper body, which is decorated with various dignity marks. The slightly bulging neck suggests corpulence.

The long necklaces are made of red coral. Very rarely they are made of amber, which was of great value in West Africa in earlier centuries. An embroidered shirt is depicted. The two hanging appliqués with round jewellery are probably attached to cords for fastening. Another textile is indicated underneath.

In his right hand, the figure is holding a fist with a manilla. This could be an allusion to the trading activities of a monarch. A bracelet adorns the joint. The left hand is broken off.

The base and the high hat of the bust have been damaged several times. Overall, the heavily cleaned surface nevertheless makes a recent impression. Despite all objections, the consignor insists that this is an authentic old work, which is why we commissioned a laboratory examination.

Regardless of the outcome, it is an exceptionally beautiful work that will retain its radiance even if it turns out to be new.



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